How Different is the Style of Play?

Obviously the ice is bigger in Sweden than the standard North American or NHL size so this can take a little adjustment if you're not used to it. If you're coming from college hockey in the US you should be used to the bigger rinks. I only saw one NHL size rink in Sweden. So in general the style of play is a little more of a skating and puck possession game, and a little less physical. Players like to get the puck back to the Dmen  and regroup a lot. Less dump and chase than in North America. There is hardly any fighting as it is penalized hard, usually with suspension. There is some physical play but definitely less than North American hockey. If you are going to play in Sweden you need to be a good skater and good puck handler. The Dmen also like to look for the long breakout pass a lot, so if you got some speed you should do well there.

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