Odd Things About Swedish Hockey

There are some funny things with hockey in Sweden compared to what we're used to in North America. Not that there's anything really wrong with these things, but just stuff that struck me as a little funny or weird. These aren't things that necessarily affect the game at all, more just I noticed and found interesting. Here's a few...

- Everyone drinks coffee in the dressing room before games and in between periods.
- The booster clubs sing and chant the entire game.
- It is common for both teams to come out onto the ice through the same door/corridor. (That would lead to brawls back home.
- Players will skate a couple laps at the end of the period.
- Shoot outs in warmups.
- The coach will often stand in front of the players on the bench.
- Teams shake hands after games, when they are done players will wipe their hands on the ice to clean them.
- No redline rule in warmups, players will skate on both sides. (Again, brawls back home.)
- Ads all over the uniforms.
- Often no wall between the two benches.
- Often no rubber on the dressing room floor so you have to wear skate guards.
- A prize for the player who scores the first goal of the game for the home team.
- Game clock starts a zero and goes up.
- All the players play soccer before warmups to warm up.
- Teams will often have special warmup jerseys.

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